Instructor Update

Filtering by: Instructor Update

9:00 AM09:00

ACA L1-3 Coastal Kayak Instructor Updates

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This progressive workshop is aimed at providing updates on instructional techniques for current ACA instructors at the Level 1, “Introduction to Kayak”, Level 2, “Essentials of Kayak Touring” and Level 3, “Coastal Kayaking”. We will provide updates regarding the training for you to be able to teach the curriculum with strokes, maneuvers, and rescues. In addition to the paddling skills and instruction techniques, we will cover trip leading, basic navigation, tides, tidal currents, and other topic specific to the respective certifications in this discipline. This workshop will meet the requirement for your instructor update.

Please review what is on the ACA website under Coastal Kayak Curriculum and contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or email for more information.

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to Feb 2

ACA L1/L2/L3 Coastal Instructor and Trainer Updates

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This progressive workshop is aimed at providing and sharing updated instructional techniques for skills at the Level 1, “Introduction to Kayak”, Level 2, “Essentials of Kayak Touring” and Level 3, “Coastal Kayaking”. This update will meet the ACA requirements for instructors and trainers, with the curriculum with strokes, maneuvers, and rescues commensurate with your level of certification. In addition to the paddling skills and instruction techniques, we will cover trip leading, basic navigation, tides, tidal currents, and other topics specific to the respective certifications in this discipline.

For additional information or to register, please contact Mike Aronoff at or by calling (703)850-1257.

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to Oct 28

ACA Regional Multi-craft L1/L2 Updates Southern California

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In collaboration with the ACA National Office, the SEIC Board and the RAC are excited to offer Multi-Craft Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor Updates in 2024.

These instructor updates will be formatted:

  • 1 day for current updating instructors

  • 2 days for expired instructors to be re-certified via an ICE (this is a special circumstance approved by SEIC)

Mike Aronoff, along with several other Instructor Trainer and Instructor Trainer Educators have been selected to provide these multi-craft updates. This is an opportunity for current instructors as well as those whose certifications have expired to be updated. Visit for more information or email MIke at

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to Oct 13

ACA Regional Multi-craft L1/L2 Updates Texas

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In collaboration with the ACA National Office, the SEIC Board and the RAC are excited to offer Multi-Craft Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor Updates in 2024.

These instructor updates will be formatted:

  • 1 day for current updating instructors

  • 2 days for expired instructors to be re-certified via an ICE (this is a special circumstance approved by SEIC)

Mike Aronoff, along with several other Instructor Trainer and Instructor Trainer Educators have been selected to provide these multi-craft updates. This is an opportunity for current instructors as well as those whose certifications have expired to be updated. Visit for more information or email MIke at

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to Jul 23

ACA L1/L2 Introduction to and Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This progressive workshop is aimed at providing instruction techniques for skills at the Level 1, “Introduction to Kayak”, and Level 2, “Essentials of Kayak Touring” . We will also provide the training for you to be able to teach the curriculum with strokes, maneuvers, and rescues. In addition to the paddling skills and instruction techniques, we will also cover trip leading, basic navigation, tides, tidal currents, and other topic specific to the respective certifications in this discipline.

Although we expect to improve your skills and coach you for better performance, our primary purpose is to help you learn to teach others while having fun and being safe on the water. L1 Candidates must attend the first 2 days’ L2 candidates the entire 4 days.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants will have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates.

This workshop may be used to update or upgrade certifications. Contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or email to register or if you have any questions.

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to May 17

ACA L1/L2/L3/L4 Introduction to Canoeing. Essentials of River Canoeing, River Canoeing and Whitewater Canoeing Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This progressive Instructor Certification Workshop will consist of five days of specific training in River Canoe strokes, maneuvers, rescues, safety and on water management.

L1 Introduction to Canoeing and Essentials of River Canoeing: We will also focus on forward stroke techniques to paddle farther and faster with less effort; edging and turning techniques for efficiency, and the latest rescue methods for yourself and others.

L2 River Canoeing Course Overview: The River Canoeing course is for canoeists interested in learning the skills required to efficiently paddle on rivers with Class I rapids by catching seddies, making peel outs and effective ferries. Participants at this level aspire to attain a base level of canoeing skills, improve the quality of their strokes and maneuvers, and increase their river rescue knowledge. This course is appropriate for properly outfitted river or whitewater tandem / solo canoes. You may certify as tandem, solo, or both.

L3/L4 Whitewater Canoeing Course Overview: The Whitewater Canoeing course is for canoeists interested in learning the skills required to efficiently paddle on rivers with Class II to III rapids by catching smaller eddies, making sharp peel outs, and effective ferries. Participants at this level aspire to attain a higher level of canoeing skills, improve the quality of their strokes and maneuvers, and increase their river rescue knowledge. This course is appropriate for properly outfitted whitewater tandem and/or solo canoes. Certification can be tandem, solo, or both.

Students who participate for all 3 days and who meet ALL ACA criteria, may be awarded the ACA L1 River Canoe Instructor certificate. Those who participate in all 4 days and who meet all ACA criteria, may be awarded the ACA L2 River Canoe Instructor certificate. Those who participate in all days and meet all ACA criteria may be awarded the ACA L3 or L4 certificate. This workshop will be co-led by Brendan Fitzpatrick, ACA L4 Instructor Trainer. Enrollment is also open for people who are focused primarily on skills development and/or updates. Please contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or email for details.

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to Dec 19

ACA L1/L2/L3 Coast Kayak Instructor Certification and Update Workshops

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This progressive workshop is aimed at providing instruction techniques for skills at the Level 1, “Introduction to Kayak”, Level 2, “Essentials of Kayak Touring” and Level 3, “Coastal Kayaking”. We will also provide the training for you to be able to teach the curriculum with strokes, maneuvers, and rescues. In addition to the paddling skills and instruction techniques, we will also cover trip leading, basic navigation, tides, tidal currents, and other topic specific to the respective certifications in this discipline.

Although we expect to improve your skills and coach you for better performance, our primary purpose is to help you learn to teach others while having fun and being safe on the water.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants will have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates.

This workshop may be used to update or upgrade certifications. Contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or email to register or if you have any questions.

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to Dec 11

ACA L1/L2 Essentials of Canoe Touring Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Essentials of Canoe Touring course is designed to teach beginner paddlers to safely and enjoyably canoe on lakes and other calm protected flatwater setting.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants should have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates.

This workshop may also be used as an instructor update. Please contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or by email at if you have any questions

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to Oct 23

ACA L1/L2 Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Essentials of Kayak Touring course is designed to teach beginner paddlers to safely and enjoyably kayak on lakes, calm protected ocean environments, and other flatwater settings.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants will have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates .

This workshop is available for new certifications and updates. Please contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or by email at for more information.

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to Oct 16

ACA L1/L2 Essentials of Canoe Touring Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Essentials of Canoe Touring course is designed to teach beginner paddlers to safely and enjoyably canoe on lakes and other calm protected flatwater setting.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants should have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates.

This workshop may also be used as an instructor update. Please contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or by email at if you have any questions.

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9:00 AM09:00

ACA L2 Essentials of River Kayaking Instructor and Instructor Trainer Update

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop is an update for those currently certified as ACA L2 ERK instructors or Instructor Trainers.

L2 ERK Curriculum: The Essentials of River Kayaking course is designed to teach beginner paddlers to safely and enjoyably kayak on gentle rivers.

For additional information or questions, please contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or email

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to Jul 19

ACA L1/L2 Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Essentials of Kayak Touring course is designed to teach beginner paddlers to safely and enjoyably kayak on lakes, calm protected ocean environments, and other flatwater settings.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants will have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates .

This workshop is available for new certifications and updates.

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to May 31

ACA L1 through L3 Coastal Kayak Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This progressive workshop is aimed at providing instruction techniques for skills at the Level 1, “Introduction to Kayak”, Level 2, “Essentials of Kayak Touring” and Level 3, “Coastal Kayaking”. We will also provide the training for you to be able to teach the curriculum with strokes, maneuvers, and rescues. In addition to the paddling skills and instruction techniques, we will also cover trip leading, basic navigation, tides, tidal currents, and other topic specific to the respective certifications in this discipline.

Although we expect to improve your skills and coach you for better performance, our primary purpose is to help you learn to teach others while having fun and being safe on the water.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants will have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates.

Contact Mike at (703)850-1257 to register or if you have any questions.

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to May 16

ACA L1 through L3 River Kayak Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The River Kayaking course is a program emphasizing safety, enjoyment and skill acquisition for entry-level through intermediate individuals in public, private and commercial settings.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants should have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates at an Instructor Certification Exam (ICE).

Please email Mike at or call (703)850-1257 for more information . Camping may be available for those interested.

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9:00 AM09:00

ACA L2 Essentials of River Kayaking Instructor Update

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop is an update for those currently certified as ACA L2 ERK instructors.

L2 ERK Curriculum: The Essentials of River Kayaking course is designed to teach beginner paddlers to safely and enjoyably kayak on gentle rivers.

For additional information or questions, please contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or email

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9:00 AM09:00

ACA L2 Essentials of Kayak Touring Instructor Update

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is an instructor update for those already certified as ACA L21 EKT Instructors.

L2 Instructor Certification Course Curriculum: The Essentials of Kayak Touring course is designed to teach beginner paddlers to safely and enjoyably kayak on lakes, calm protected ocean environments, and other flatwater settings. (Note: This course may be used for both spray skirted kayaks, as well as non-spray skirted kayaks.)

Course curriculum includes the paddling environment, personal preparation for safety and fun, equipment, safety and rescue, strokes and maneuvers.

Please contact Mike at (703)850-1257 or by email at for any questions or additional information.

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to Apr 17

ACA L2/L3 Coastal Kayak Instructor Certification Workshop

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This progressive workshop is aimed at providing instruction techniques for skills at the Level 1, “Introduction to Kayak”, Level 2, “Essentials of Kayak Touring” and Level 3, “Coastal Kayaking”. We will also provide the training for you to be able to teach the curriculum with strokes, maneuvers, and rescues. In addition to the paddling skills and instruction techniques, we will also cover trip leading, basic navigation, tides, tidal currents, and other topic specific to the respective certifications in this discipline.

Although we expect to improve your skills and coach you for better performance, our primary purpose is to help you learn to teach others while having fun and being safe on the water.

Fundamentally, we expect that participants will have the paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability, group management, and interpersonal skills commensurate with this level of certification prior to presenting themselves for evaluation as Instructor Candidates. Mike at (703)850-1257 or email to register or if you have any questions.

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9:00 AM09:00

ACA L2 Coastal Kayak Instructor Update

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The ACA L2 Coastal Kayak Instructor Update is for instructors who are already certified and experienced as ACA L2 Coastal Kayak instructors. It is intended for those who want to meet the requirements to maintain their certification.

The update will be conducted from the Columbia Island Marina in Arlington, VA. Please contact Mike at (703)850-1257 for more information.

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to Oct 2

ACA L3/L4 River Kayak Instructor Update

  • Canoe Kayak and Paddle Company, LLC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The ACA L3/L4 River Kayak Instructor Update is for instructors who are already certified and experienced as ACA L3 River Kayak instructors. It is intended for those who want to meet the requirements to maintain their certification.

The update will be conducted from Riley’s Lock and Violette’s Lock on the Potomac River.

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